Wednesday, September 15, 2010

better late than never??

So, I checked out the WoW wiki that Bill shared via email (the email regarding week 1 -- please have mercy on my poor, tired and busy soul).
I want to share a "funny" first --- as soon as I clicked on the link, I immediately notice the advertisement that's off to the right on the wiki's a Lady Gaga promo, something with her walking the red carpet......then I notice this link under the widget that says "see a bad ad? visit" X website.   I had to laugh...I wanted so much to visit the website and let them know that I found a bad ad.
Okay, enough of the nonsense....back to playing games!

I need to explain this wiki as a learning artifact.  Seems pretty straight forward.  The nature of a wiki allows the users to add info as they see fit -- so, other WoW enthusiasts are adding to the wiki, their own experience (knowledge and familiarity with the topic at hand) thereby helping others who've taken an interest in the game.
This seems to run parallel with AR.  Some sort of topic chosen, research accomplished (via ACTION, or playing the game, in this case) and compiling of data.

My compliments to the organizer of the wiki.  Even though I'm still a noob at the game, I can (fairly) easily navigate through the site, finding bits and pieces about the game, I see experts helping noobs, and noobs asking for help.... getting help.  Encouraging, especially in a world today, when things have become so very cut-throat that it is often 'every man for himself'  (which is funny, because there is THAT 'spell' (?) in the WoW game too...!!)

A helpful WoW wiki with an AR connection.  Cool.

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